Hyperbaric Therapy

How it Benefits the Body

Your body's tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function. When tissue is injured, it requires even more oxygen to survive. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. An increase in blood oxygen temporarily restores normal levels of blood gases and tissue function to promote healing and fight infection.

Facts and Benefits of Low-Pressure Hyperbaric Therapy

Under normal circumstances, oxygen is transported throughout the body by red blood cells. With HBOT, oxygen dissolves into all of the body's fluids, the plasma, the central nervous system fluids, the lymph, and the bone. During the dissolution, oxygen can be carried to diminished or blocked circulation areas, helping the body support its healing process. This process dramatically enhances the body's ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria, reduce swelling, and allow new blood vessels to grow more rapidly in affected areas. In addition, HBOT is simple and painless.

In 2008, Dr. Goodman and colleagues found that a single hyperbaric treatment to humans cells lining our blood vessels turns on 8,101 genes in 24 hours following HBOT. If the cells are given another therapy at 24 hours, more genes are activated.

After which, the cells begin to roll up and form small blood vessels. Nearly every injury process, whether caused by trauma, toxins, loss of blood flow, low oxygen, etcetera, causes the same secondary injury, regardless of being an inflammatory reaction. HBOT specifically treats the standard secondary injury process responsible for most of the damage in all acute and chronic conditions. It also treats the acute inflammatory process and long-term products of the body's inflammatory reaction. As a result, hyperbaric oxygen is one of the lowest risk medical treatments available today.

Conditions from which patients may benefit when hyperbaric oxygen is used as a long-term therapy include:

  • Fracture Healing

  • Bone Grafts

  • Suturing of Severed Limbs

  • Pre and Post Surgery Edema

  • Bacteroides Infection

  • Crush Injury

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Autism

  • Acute Cerebral Edema

  • Chemo Brain

  • Emphysema

  • Post-Polio Syndrome

  • Intestinal Obstruction

  • Osteomyelitis

  • Soft Tissue Healing

  • Chronic Stroke

  • Chronic Skin Ulcers

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Post Stroke

  • Cortical Blindness

  • Reflex Symptomatic Dystrophy

  • Lyme Disease

  • Diabetic Ulcers and Neuritis

  • Skin Ulcers

  • Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury

  • Difficult Healing Bone

  • Acute Peripheral Traumatic Ischemia

  • Gastric Ulcer

  • Trophic Skin Ulcer

  • Diabetic Skin Ulcer

  • Neurological Insufficiencies

  • Angina

  • Infected and Migrating Prosthesis

  • Asthmas

  • Decubitus Ulcers
